Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


Kristi purnamasari brought up in pontianak on 28 january 1991. She likes to join every social activities. Her bobbies are swimming, hang out, aeting, sleeping, reading, cooking, singing, dancing, excercising,  drawing, acting, writing, spend all her time with her friends and always try something news arround her. Her favourite colours are purple, brown, silver, black, white, yellow, gray, blue, green, pink and red. Her favourite movies are Lord of the Ring, Titanic, Twilight, Harry Potter, Note of Death, New Moon, Death Bell, Children of the Corn, Rush Hour1-3, Twins, Senior High School Musical, Who Am I, and Kungfu Panda. Her favourite food are friedrice, baso, fried chicken, batagor, nasi uduk, bubur ayam and soto. Her favourite drinks are mineral water, coca-coca, ice tea, ice cream, 7up, and fruit juice. Her favourite actors are Silvester Stolland, Jhon Travolta and Jacki Chen. Her favourite boy band are Junior, BBf and Smash. She loves reage music very much.
She is very simple girl and enjoy going. She ussually wear simple style but in some moment she has formal style when it needed. She loves her parents, her sister and her brothers. She has 3 brothers and just one sister. Her family live in Sekadau Regency,West Borneo. Her father is server in churh as Pendeta. She had undergone primary education in Balau Nyawang village, Sekadau Regency. After completing primary school in 2003 she went to junior high school and three years later in 2006 she continued her education to senior high school in Pontianak, West Borneo. Later in 2008 after graduating from Senior High School she continued her education at the college of foreign language academy Pontianak, with focused in English literature diploma three. The three years later after she gotten Amd. title from academy of foreign language Pontianak, in 2011 she continued her education to programs Strata one (S1) in  STBA-Yapari Bandung. It’s commencing from 26 September 2001 to one year ahead he officially registered as a student on campus STBA-Yapari Bandung. She lives in Bandung with her friend at a boarding house.

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